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Prologue - John Lehr | Intangibles 001

By Steve Berg June 28, 2017

On This Episode:

To kick off the Intangibles podcast, host Steve Berg is interviewed by guest John Lehr (Twitter) - organizer of The New York Enterprise Tech Meetup and CoFounder of Work-Bench, a NY-based enterprise VC fund focused on Series A investments in startups across the US. He also has previous experience at Morgan Stanley.

Show Notes:

●      Serving as a prologue to the Intangibles Podcast, host Steve Berg explains what the show is going focus on in the future, the format of the show, what kinds of guests the show will feature, as well as his own background and what inspired him to create the podcast in the first place


●      Steve discusses his ideas on startup maturity - explaining that while companies may eventually be value based, they can’t get to that point unless they build cultures, personalities, and principles. In other words, the human element is essential to a startup’s success.


●      Why it’s worth being a hands-on investor in the early days of a startup


●      Steve discusses how he approaches startup evaluation when he’s looking to make a potential investment - citing questions he asks such as, does the product work, does the product solve the problem it’s trying to solve, is the product reasonable and scalable, and whether or not there is actual value in the product


●      What Steve looks at when he’s getting to know a founder, and why this aspect of diligence is often the most challenging… and the most important


●      Why are the “intangible” qualities of an entrepreneur or investor important to discuss, and what caused Steve to think about dedicating a show around these topics


●      Which key “intangible” qualities will be discussed in shows going forward




Intangibles: A podcast about traits, behaviors, and qualities that entrepreneurs can cultivate to be successful. Find us on the web at


Antecedent Ventures: An enterprise-focused, seed-stage venture firm in NYC. You can find us at


Dentons Venture Technology Group: Operating as a boutique within the world’s largest law firm, the venture technology group runs with hard-charging tech entrepreneurs to drive growth through strategic business, finance, and legal advice from Silicon Valley to New York, to London, Berlin, Hong Kong, and beyond. Learn more at


Work-Bench: A NYC based VC investing in early-stage enterprise startups who are rethinking the technology stacks powering Fortune 1000 corporations. Learn more at

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