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Selflessness - Richard Lui | Intangibles 062

By Steve Berg October 17, 2021

On This Episode:

Richard Lui is a journalist and news anchor for MSNBC and NBC News. He was formerly at CNN Worldwide. Lui is also a columnist, contributing to publications including USA Today, Politico, The Seattle Times, Detroit Free Press, and San Francisco Chronicle. In 2020 Lui directed the documentary Skyblossom which profiles five families, each with a student providing care for a veteran parent or grandparent with disabilities. This where today’s topic, selflessness, comes into play. Seven years ago, Richard walked into his supervisor’s office, prepared to give up his dream job at NBC, having just learned of his father’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis. As in the documentary, Richard was compelled to care for his father. It turns out, there was a comprise to be reached with NBC. It also turns out that what Richard learned from that time in his life became the basis for his book ‘Enough About Me - The Unexpected Power of Selflessness’. We are going to get the benefit of that learning in our conversation today.



Richard's book, Enough About Me: The Unexpected Power of Selflessness


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